Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is a write-up about our visit to Divyadesams and Abhimana Sthalams near Thiruvarur.

This is a write-up about our visit to Divyadesams and Abhimana Sthalams near Thiruvarur. On 21st May, three of us (myself, my mom and Ramadurai mama) left to Thiruvarur by Rameswaram Express. We reached Thiruvarur around 6 .00 AM and were received by our driver friend Mr. Rajendran. We left to Nagapattinam and it was nearly a 40 minutes drive from Thiruvarur. We started our day’s visit after refreshing ourselves at Ramadurai mama’s friend’s home. First we went to ThiruNaagai Divyadesam. Perumal’s thirunaamam is Sowndarrajan. Needless to say, Perumal looks so beautiful. Bhattar did a wonderful sevai for us. Thirumangai Azhwar calls this Perumal as “Naagai Azhagiyaar”.This is a big temple and seems to be well maintained. We then took the blessings of Thaayar and also visited the nearby Desikar and Krishnan temples. Bhattar was not available in these temples, but still we could get a glimpse of the Lord from the outer door. Then we had a good breakfast at mama’s friend’s place and left for Thirukannangudi. This divyadesam is in a very remote place and is difficult to reach if the driver is not well versed with the roads. Moolavar Thirunaamam is Lokanathan. Utsavar is Damodara Narayanan. This is one among the five Krishnaranya Kshetrams and is the 26th divyadesam. Thaayar’s thirunaamam is Lokanayaki. Bhattar was kind enough to give us a small booklet on the Sthala Puranam. After having a good darshan here, we left to Mannarkudi and reached there around 11:15 AM. This is a huge temple and one needs a lot of time to visit all the sannidhis. Since we had to reach Vaduvoor before 12:30 PM, we had only around 30 minutes to spend in this temple. Perumal’s thirunaamam is RajaGopalan and is seen with a cow and two calves. He gives sevai as ‘mannaar’. This Perumal looks extremely beautiful that one feels like never leaving Him. We then had a good sevai of Sengamalavalli Thaayar and left to Vaduvoor. Bhattar at this temple was waiting for us and gave us a very good sevai of Vaduvoor Ramar. One cannot forget the smile in Ramar’s thirumugam. We then left for the Veda paada saalai. Most of the paada salai students have gone to Bangalore for celebrating Srimad Andavan’s thirunakshatiram. We had a good lunch here along with the paada salai boys and also had some time to rest. Around 2:30 PM, we left to Thillai Vilagam Ramar temple. The road to Thillai Vilagam was not in good condition and Rajendran was very patient and careful in driving under such conditions. We reached the temple just before 5.00 PM and were waiting for the Bhattar to arrive. Mama was conversing with the temple staff about the needs of the temple. Moolavar Ramar is a Pancha loha murthy and looks so beautiful. Bhattar showed us the Rama charam and explained that Ramar used this Rama Charam only three times..( against Kakasuran, Vaali and Ravanan). He also said that in most of the Ramar temples, we will see only Artha Chandra Baanam. He then showed us the divine veins and marks on Ramar’s thirumeni and the kaapu which kousalya tied for Ramar’s protection . Anjaneya is not seen with folded hands ( as he is usually seen) but with a hand near his mouth as if waiting for Rama’s message to be conveyed to Bharatha. In all, we had a wonderful and peaceful sevai here. We were also fortunate to receive vadai prasadams. Then we left to Thirukannamangai divyadesam which is just a few kms away from Thiruvarur railway station. Had been to this divyadesam during our Kumbakonam visit and were fortunate to see this Perumal for the second time. Perumal here is BhakthaVatsalan. Bhattar explained that they do thirumanjanam only once a year during Jeshtabhisekham and for the rest of the year Perumal will give darshan with his kavachams. Utsavar’s thirunaamam is Battharaavi Perumal. In Sanskrit, it is BhakthaVatsalan. We had a good sevai of Thaayar(Abhisekha valli Nachiyaar) too..When we reached this temple, it was time for Artha jaama poojai and we were lucky to have sevai of Perumal and Thaayar before the temple was closed for the day. Rajendran then dropped us at Thiruvarur station and took leave from us. We had to spend close to 2 hrs at the station before our train arrived and we reached Chennai around 9 AM , the next day morning . It was not very taxing as we thought it would be.. Unmindful of his age and the hot summer, mama takes us to places and when it comes to temples, he becomes very energetic and enthusiastic and one has to see it to believe it! It was a wonderful trip for all of us covering 3 divyadesams and 3 Abhimana sthalams in a day’s time. Thanks to mama in making this trip for us!

After thirukoodalur, we went to thirukvithalam.

After Thirukoodalur, we went to ThiruKavithalam. This is one of the Krishnaranya Kshetrams. Perumal’s thirunamam is Gajendra Varadhan. Bhattar gave a very good sevai of the Perumal and Thaayar here...From the main temple entrance to the one inside, there was sand spread all over and we were terrified to walk bare foot in the hot sun as it was close to noon. So we had to walk with slippers even while crossing Dwajasthambam and in many temples that we visited during afternoon, we didn’t do namaskaram/pradakshinam, afraid of the scorching heat.. I feel sorry for having walked with slippers..and wish I had run inside the temple with bare foot..While leaving Bhattar gave me 2 bananas offered to the Lord and I had never tasted such a rasthaali (a type of banana) in all my life. Even my mom felt the same. I have to admit that we both were surprised by the sweetness of the banana!!!Leaving Kavithalam, we went to Thirupullamboothangudi . This temple is under the administration of Ahobila Mutt. Perumal here is Valvil Raman and He is in sayana thirukolam. Here He is taking rest after giving moksham to Jatayu. Bhattar also showed us the Jatayu near the Perumal. Since Seetha Devi was in Ashokavanam during that time, we have Bhoomi Piratti sitting near Perumal’s Thiruvadi. Later we went to ThiruAadanoor..Here Perumal’s thirunamam is Andalakkum Iyen and He is in sayana thirukolam. Bhattar also showed us the marakkal and kamadhenu . We had a good darshan here and left for Thirumandangudi. This is Thondar Adi podi Azhwar’s ThiruAvathara sthalam. The temple was closed , but somebody associated with the temple (don’t know who) was kind enough to open Perumal’s and Azhwar’s sannidhi for us and we had a good darshan. Perumal here is Kalyana Ranganathan and is in Nindra Thirukolam. It seems that there are only 2 temples where Ranganathan is in nindra thirukolam., one being Thirunagari and the other Thirumandangudi. We then visited ThiruNandhipura Vinnagaram (popularly known as Naadan Koil) and had a good darshan here too..Perumal is “Naadan Perumal” and is in Veetruirundha thirukolam. Our driver friend Rajendran managed to cover all these temples and he took us to Thiruvinnagar right on time for the Kalyana Utsavam. Most of the times he ran for the bhattar, did a lot of help and ensured that we did not miss any darshan. No amount of thanks can ever repay what he did for us. We reached Thiruvinnagar and had about 15 minutes to refresh ourselves and get ready for the kalyana utsavam. Around 3:30 PM, we reached the temple and Perumal and Thaayar were in a small procession inside the temple..Perumal and Thaayar exchanged garlands thrice and got ready for the divine wedding. To witness the Divyadampathi’s thirukalyanam is an experience about which Iam incompetent to write..We were fortunate to watch the entire wedding including kaapu kattudhal, mangalya dhaaranam, laaja homam, varanamaayiram etc. After the utsavam, we went to the Moolavar sannidhi and had a wonderful sevai. The beauty of this Perumal cannot be described in words and one has to see Him to believe this. We were also given lot of prasadams after the kalyana utsavam. We went to Badri’s home near by for some coffee and left early as we had planned to cover Thiruvelliangudi , Thirukudanthai and the local temples. Our next stop was at Thiruvelliangudi. Perumal’s thirunamam is Ksheerabdhi Naathan and is in sayana thirukolam. Perumal’s thirumeni is made of sudhai and He looks so beautiful. Visiting this divyadesam is considered to be equivalent to visiting all 108 divyadesams. There is one lamp inside the sanctum sanctorum called “Nethra Deepam”. People with eye disorders pray to this Perumal for their proper vision.We then proceeded to visit Chakrapani temple. This is probably the one temple dedicated to chakkarath Azhwar. This temple was very crowded as it was Saturday evening. We had a peaceful darshan both in Perumal and Thaayar sannidhis. Next visit was to Ramaswamy temple., Here Perumal is in Pattabhisekha thirukolam. Perumal and Thaayar are seated on the throne and we could see Lakshmana, Bharata and Hanuman doing kaimkaryam to Perumal. Then we went to Thirukudanthai divyadesam. Perumal’s thirunamam is Aaravamudhan and he is in Uthaana sayanam, trying to get up for Thirumangai Azhwar.We had a very peaceful darshan here as we did not have any other temple to visit for the day and spent time with this Perumal to our heart’s content. Then we had dinner in Badri’s home and retired for a good night’s sleep. On 18th morning, we woke up in time for the Viswaroopa Darshan of Oppiliappan. We had a wonderful sevai and it was so great to watch the gigantic Perumal and kind thaayar in that early hours..What a way to start the day!! People who reside in such divyadesams and see Perumal everyday are really blessed..Next stop was at Therazundhur. Here Perumal’s thirunaamam is Aamaruviyappan. When we reached the temple, preparations were in progress to awake the Lord and we were fortunate to have the viswaroopa sevai. Bhattar gave a long and wonderful commentary of this divyadesam quoting Azhwar’s pasurams. He also showed us the cow and calf at Kannan’s Thiruvadi. Perumal is giving darshan as Gopalan here.Bhattar also showed us the Thiruvaabharanams of Perumal and we were so fortunate to touch them. Rajendran then took us to ThiruIndaloor divyadesam. Perumal here is Parimala Rangan and is in Veera sayana thirukolam. We also had a good sevai at Thaayar and Ramar sannidhis. Next we visited ThiruSirupuliyur Divyadesam. Here Perumal is called ArulMakadal Amudhan and is in Bala Sayanam. This Perumal is of very small thirumeni and this is probably the smallest of all sayana thirukolams. This Perumal gave moksham to maharishi Vyagrapadhar and this maharishi is also seen at Perumal’s thiruvadi. We then proceeded to Thirukannapuram. Perumal’s Thirunamam is Sourirajan. Thirumangai Azhwar has dedicated 100 pasurams to this Perumal. He is seen with a prayoga chakkaram and looks so beautiful. We also had a wonderful sevai at the Thaayar sannidhi. She is called Kannapura Nayagi. Then we drove to Thirukannamangai divyadesam and this Perumal is called Bhaktavatsalan. He stands very gigantic and majestic. Bhattar then took us to the Thaayar sannidhi and he also showed the thenkudu just outside the thaayar sannidhi. It is believed that all the 33 crores of devathais took forms as bees in this kaliyuga and is doing kamikaryam to Thaayar. We reached this temple just before it was about to be closed.Thanks to the driving expertise of Rajendran . All these time he was planning/driving to cover as many temples as possible and it was due to his attitude and expert driving that we got to see these many temples at one stretch. Our morning trip ended with Thirukannamangai ., we had lunch at Badri’s home and rested for a while. Mama was concerned that we didn’t visit Thirukannangudi and Thirunaagai but I felt extremely satisfied and happy having seen so many divyadesams. Hope we get to visit Thirukannangudi and Thirunaagai in our next trip. For the evening we had planned to visit Nachiyar Koil and Thirucherai. First we went to Thirucherai to see Saranathan Perumal. This is Pancha Saara Kshetram. Thaayar is Saara Nayagi.There wasn’t much crowd and we had a peaceful sevai here. Next we visited Nachiyar Koil. Perumal is called Srinivasan and Thaayar is Vanjulavalli Thaayar. As the name suggests, here Thaayar gets the first of everything. Bhattar mentioned that just like Parthasarathy is with his family in Thiruvellikeni , Kannan is seen with his family (Balaramar, Aniruddha ) in Nachiyar Koil too. Then we visited the famous Kal Garudan sannidhi. Garuda Bhagawan looks so majestic and is seen with 9 snakes (If Iam right) in his Thirumeni. Some 200 years back, a devotee (who had travelled all divyadesams and made 108 Utsava Perumals) had given utsava perumals of various divyadesams he worshipped to Nachiyar Koil. All of the kutti perumals now reside in Nachiyar Koil and we were blessed to get a darshan of all these Perumals.In the outer prakaram, we saw the place (in the tree) where 2 birds had lived earlier and attained Paramapadham. Our evening went so peaceful visiting Thirucherai and Nachiyar Koil. We then left for the station to catch our Chennai train. Badri’s family had packed curd rice for our dinner. We were extremely happy at our 2 day visit covering 17 divadesams and I feel highly indebted to Ramadurai mama for completely organizing this trip for us. These divyadesams would remain in our hearts forever.

Divya desa trip experiences of Smt Godha Sridharan, Chennai

Divya desa trip experiences of Smt Godha Sridharan, ChennaiThis write-up is about the visit to temples around Kumbakonam and Tanjavur. On 04/16/04, three of us (Ramadurai mama, myself and my mother) left to Tanjavur by RockFort Express. We reached Tanjore the next day morning around 7.00 AM and were received by Mr. Rajendran. He took us straight to Smt Vaidehi’s home where we refreshed ourselves and got ready for the day’s visit. We visited Manikundra Perumal temple (adjacent to Smt Vaidehi’s home) and had a wonderful darshan here. Later we went to Neelamega Perumal temple and Narasimhar temple. These three temples are together considered as one DivyaDesam ‘Thanjhai Mamani Koil”. After having darshan in these three temples ,we had breakfast in Smt Vaidehi’s home (Thanks to their hospitality). Our next stop was at ThiruKandiyur temple. Perumal’s thirunamam is Harasabha Vimochana Perumal. By the time we reached, Bhattar was busy and so we had a good 10 minute waiting in front of the Perumal and enjoyed his Thirumeni Azhagu. Later the Bhattar came and gave us theertham and Satari prasadams and we left for Thirukudaloor. Here Perumal is JagathRakshagan And He has a sengol in His hand (if I remember it right). We had a good darshan here also.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some people think taht human needs for farmlend, housing, and in dustry are more important than saving land for endangere animals. Do you agree.

Whit the growth lof population and their demand, mazimum of land has been used for farmland housing and indusridusries. As a srsull there is no more land or forest left for the ezistence of other crcatures. Some people thind that human needs for farmland housing and industry are mire important than saving land for endangered animals, but i don't agree with this point of view. The frist reason in taht all the creatures on the face of the carth hace the same right to exiistence. Every being has equal right to ezist in this earth. Human bing is not the sale owner of this carth. There should be plandty of forest land and waler for other animals as well. The secound reason is that for the ezistence of humans on earth the ezistence of other creatures is essontial. I say this becouse the presence of all the animals is essenteail for maintaining a proper food chain. We know the conequences if the food chain is broken. if the food chain is broken dthe ecosystem balance will be affected. for ezample consider the food chain of rat, snatre , and eagles are endangered species,. If it is hunted to a poing where it becomes eztinet ten the food chain will be broken. As a result of this the number of snake wil increase. Therfore if the endaigered animald are not protected the ezistence of human will become really difficult. In conelusion to save the endangered amimals to keep the glonal environment in balance and for the ezistence of the human being in this world, no more land and foresrs should be conuverted into rarmland housing and industry. More inportantly land should be saved for endangred animals.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you agree or disagree with to following statement ? whit the help of technology workers nowdays con learn more imformation and than more quickly.

With the help technology workers can learn more infomation and that rro more quickly. This is absolutely correct. I would like to suppor my answer with some reasons fiest technologycal tearning is ore intrractive in its. Learning precess than just sitting and reading a book or just listening to a lecture for example learning by the ceans of all producs thechnology is very interactive today and hence the growth is simultaneeous. Second by using such kind of techniues the person becomes an intellechal preson with the passage of times. Third the traditional of learnig like lectures giuen by head mistiry or motes in mookd do mot let the workers become independent rather the working becomes more dependeng du to the spoon fuding done to him. Fourth the technologycal aduences in deffirent fields defenitely give a lot of exposure to those who urere earlier maive in this fidid of technology. Lastly human mind is such that is has the copacity to absorb mire data of things are taught to him practically let us consider two ways of teaching. in the first there is a model of on Electric, Iron, Shown in the book which is explained by the head nistiry and working are mude toanderstand the working . In the other way the workers are shoeh a ree at Electric Iron as a model and than the working of its deffirent parts is being explained. Definetely the grosping power will bemore in the latter cose. therefore in the end i would like to cenclude my essay by saying that with the passage of time the demands and the cecrsseties of the time are changing too. So aare the changes in central eluel of the workers and the metheds of working. technolonical nethods undoubtedly scere higher than traditional ones.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Learing about the post has no vols for those of us liging in the present.

What has passed is the post. Where one is going towards is the future. It is the present whieh is going to be with everyone for his ar her wholl life. Then the question arises as if one is always giong to live or can live with hes precent should he bother about hes past and why in the following few lines i will on phasize why one should think of pasl and get ready for the future to live in a better present. As I have meneoned earlire past is the passed present. A few days age in the sane world this post used to be as present for somebody. Somebody among us has created some sitaotion for use and we have tried our best to live the best posible in that setuation. This effort to couercome the cireunstances has put some guidelines. Set some standards for us. It is not the quwstion whether we have succecded in are efforts ornot. But it is sure that we hace put abibiography of experiences in front of those who are faeing sinidar situations. there is fanous quoting from the king of India Bahaddurshah Jafor. He says in his message to the nation that the nation who have get a brilliant history are difenitely going to have a very bright futaere. At some poing of time India swords will not hisitate to strike against the walls of London also. Where did this confidonecome from. This was his experience that mode him speak like that. One thing is very sure. Everyone has go a epportunity to read post and the future. What reamins to study is the post which may help to find solution to so mony thing. It is not a god lelea to incuent the whut again and again. One should use the inuentions from the post and try to build some thing else somthig more sophisticated for making life easier. One con allways find some mistakes in the post which in could have aveided. It kewise there is some wisdom conslu sion lesson which one can exraet from the posst. What is the harm using that ? I will give one example to supprt this opinion. In my college days. One of my friends failed in the theory of machines paper. After failing in the examionation when we had a descussion wefound out the mistake. During that time he had used the book fom some different outher whien wasnot spcifecd by oure unicersity. This book had failed him in the examihation. he realized and started usin the other book that i had used he passed with a scare higher than mine. This is the magic of reading and understanding the post and implementin on it. Ecery wolking person has learned walking form his post. Post has tought then how not to fall. Concluding i would suggerst that read the post as horoughly as you can. Analyz the bare facts in it. and try your best not to repcat those mistakes. It is not necessary to pity on the mistakes of the post ome shoukd not line in the post but mst bring the experiences to precctile. this is the sey for a bring ht futecre.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dio you agree ar disagrec that progress is dways good use pecifec reasons and examples to soppurt your coumnications.

In our warld of diveloping technology one would come op with the inevitanle question wether the progress we are all experiencing is akwayys good for use. In my opinion progress is good but not always. There is not woubt as to the efficieney of progress. It has brought use the internet so we wan buy movie tickets areler food do use shopping plan our yearly vacation all from the comfort of our home. Despite the comfortanle way of doing things cea the internet it sees that people have becone less sociable making less contact with the outside world. It seem that the wostern society is prone to worlds cocoonig themselves in thir hone than desiring aclual interaction with people. With the surronding and with the daily challwnges that the outside world has to offer. In has this aspect progress has definitely damaged our ability to communicat as well as experience and enhoy the simple joys of life. Another aspect in which proress has provn not to be good is in the ceed for human labour. The use of aduabnced computers has cuated a technologycal world where manual lobour is not needed as moch . The computer as a pracise machine without the meeds for social bonefits and salary demands has replaced the for werking hands loving naby without a jon there is no drubt as to the efficincy f usubg computer s i mentioned inthe paragraph above. But looking ar it from a social perspectilre a lot of people around the world have lost nit ably their jobs but also their proele in what they also. In a nutshell progress is good. It dlows us more leisure time it makes wcerything handy for us. But as it stated above it is not always good. It has creed a lazier and less communivative society and has lift maby people without a job so we should be able to know how use technology to our beniefit in order to overcome these to setbacks.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chose one of the following trons partation vehieches and explain why you think it has changed people's liues.

It is true that the aduot of outabiles. Buyches and other less ophisticatal transportation modes have conteibuted to the betternent of maneongl. However it is the wid espzead use of automobiles that has drastically changed people's liues. The most obvious dissaduntege of bicycles is that the rider has to psovide power to the bieycle. It is not feasible for less straong people such as the elderly workers men. even more the rider of the bicycle has to learn to maintain the balance which is not easy to learn and that too preuents people tormn acquering tje bicycle as on efective node of transportation. The automoniles are very much foster than bcycles so it become populer soon. Almost eceryboday n matter wether he is strongor weak cah use a vehicle he can drive it with such sperd that a becycle rider can't even dream of. We shouldn't underninc the impect of airplance on people's life btut as a whale anly little percentage of people use airplanes compored wich that of automobiles. the prohibitive cost of air travel has prceurnted most people from accesseng it. Moreover airplanes cannot address the day to day tranportation needs of people they cannot at derss the needs of people they canot address the needs of shjort destance travaeling who can go to work daily by airplances ? Above all people are concerned about the laek of safety of air travel and mony people acaid it if posible. on the other hand outomonbiles address the day to day traveling needs of people vey efectively t most ecerybody comes to work by car bbus and by any other automoble. the cost of maintaing a car is moch lesser thn irfares. Funther those lwhe cannot offord to maintain a car can noke use of publec outomobile seruices such as buses and trains. People donot worry about the sefety in an in an outomobile before taking a trip it has won not the eonfeclence of people. These desirous features of outomobile have led to their widwspred use and hae changed the loues of people than ay other mok of transpotatin cuer has.

Some people belive taht air travel sholuld be restriatel becouse it causes serirus pallution and use up the world's fuel resources.

Traveling by air has become very common among people from most seg nents of the scoity. Some people are of the opintion taht air travel ia responsible for a greater pre cenbtorge of air pollution an consumption of fuels and so it ahuld be sstrieted. but I an co the opnion openion that air travel ahouols hot be restrected. recent studies be the nboeing company has concluded that the surrebnt day airplanes are mor ful efficient than the cars that we use eceyday. for the same disdane traveled by a single person resources than whaat an airplane uew per pouson per kiloniter. Sin larluy the sonke emetted by an airplane aontains lesser amount of carbon mono oxide and hydrocarbone which are responsible for the ozone layer depletion accarding to the study. The combined emission of the outomobile is on the ground is for greater. Than emisinon trons the airplanes in to the at mosphere. Air travel is forter and convenient and it considerably reduces the tine taken to travel between places. It helps business locations an also to take core of their business unit spreal across different geographical locations. It has given more oppartunities to vacationing in a place for away from the place of residence and so people re able to vesit maby more countries now than they could preceilusly in conelusion. It can be seen taht airtravel dosen't couse as moch pollution nor doss it consemne lorge quantities of ful compared to other modes of travel. It has more deluant ages which autweigh these disodvantage and so it is ot a good idea to restrict air travel

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Businesses should hire employees for their entire live. Do you agree and disagree. USE speciffic reason and examples to support your choice.

I do not agree with the statemant that businesses should hire enployee for theit antire lives as this is not in the best interst of both the partier. At first my statenent might come as a shock to the readers as in today's competitice world no one in a stable frame of mind would say to a lofetime of guatenteed employment. However being employment with he same businesses throughout ones corce and for a very long tine in onew career can prave to be montous. If an enployee signa a contract tor his entire life with compan he is bound to proveide them with is serviers till he liee he reaches the retir nent age. At frist this migh seem a bright prospect howecer with the passaage of tine as monatiny sets in the employee would wan't a change of job. Even if he is to another section of the businesses the policies and working eondition wil renain more ar lirs the same. I know of a person who signed a lifetime contract when he joined at a very junior lecel and has now risen to the positein of a general manager through his hard work and deternination. He now is fed up of working with the nusinesses and finds hineself caght betiween the will to move on have to pay for breach of contact. Aanothe a quaintance of nine who has aways had a musical band of mind graduated forn on engincering company and join a multinationa firnm under a lifetime contract. He than go various oppattunitos for shoulds and an offer to join a leading band which pays very will. Bkut becous of a loifetime contract this person could ot oin the band and is stuck with a hjob he does not like. What I am trying kto saty is that people are not always much foaused when they begin working but find thier niche later they howecet cannot becouse they have entexot into lifetime contracts. Also people have to refuse more lecrative job offer becouse of lifetime contract. hiring employees for their entire lives also not very beneficiat for companie as enployees get in to the confart zone and beeom very reluctant about their work and responsebilities. This maens the required number of employees the efficienay ratio will be very tow. Also if employees arehired for life there wil be very few new position in the company which moans that ere will not be a continures fllow of new idea which can be obtainecosly. This is major for factor from which the grouth of on organization can becone stagnant. I know of a hotel which was entialy very will know for irs vaity and standerd of service however tine hosw seen a sharp decdine in its popularity becaouse all the employee that were hired for their intiniliues have now run out of idea. This shows that thougt the organization night gain the trust and loyalty of its employees it actulaay might lose its freshness overa period of time. Therefore it can be said that hiring emnployuees for their entire lives has nore negative than posiutive effects for both the businesses the employees.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Do you gree sa disagree with the following aratment pwople should sometines do things taht do not enjoy daing. Use specific reason and examples.

I do agree with the statement that people should somtimes do thingd taht they are forcet to do. To exampily cosider the followings. Not all working love to fectory. Insted beingh curious and enthusiatie they love to exaple the world around them working less attention to working and more to other things. Should they be allowed to give up their worked ? Certainly mot ar consider a very talentea company relord and exallend are lytical skills toying for a job sippose the person is an introvort but the company's reruitnent process demands that he should go in therough a group disoussion. Should he give ip because of this ? I would strangly oppose his duision if he doss. Aan consider a sopetsper son being farced to go in foradrug test because rules demand him to do so. The perion being from a conrevatice bakground fells unconfortable with this. Sould he giue up the sport just because he is being forced to do somthing hie doesn't like well i would say no. So the point is that there are situations in life. when one has to do somthing he\ she doesn't like. And not dring the things may have a lore inpact on his life. So it's sometimes wse to go againet one's wishes. I don't advocate that one should always go against one's wises when he\ she is forled to take such decisions. It depents open the importance and the urgency of situation. For instaner on might want to quit up a job that one doesn't like. He may in fact he should do so for perpetually doing somthing one doesn't like will definotelly makes one's life misorable. But what of there's a secession and in the economy and its hard to find jobs. He of course should be eoreful in hes decision and it won't be unlelise of he continuse with his some probably boring job. To conclude i would say that one should udge a situation caaording to its merits and make a wolnts to do something which he \ she doesn't like. Comproniging once in a while iis sometines a better choice.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It has recently been announced that a new movei there nay be built in your neighborhood. Do you supecific or oppose this plan, why ?

Going to movies to os a pleasure for a that of people and I' am one of those who are rally found of moveis. When I heard that a new theater migh be built in my meighborhood I was frist very ezcited about this idea. But after haveing had a food thought about it i wondedred if it as really wuch a good thing. frist of all i will foch fouch on the reason why i spport this idea and decondly i will move ont the analyzing why i oppose this idea. Over the past 10 years it's abundantly ckear that the sueunth tat has much changed. Indecd form special effects to (THX) sound will all have seen the very progrosses of the cinema. In spile of that theaters remain the sane and are getting deler. As a matter of fact at times it has become difficult for the audience toappreceate a movie at its real value.I nean not only is the small nostr of the times but also the sound is also bad isn a lot of theaters therefors o would say that it is a pity to see a modern movie in such conditions. Hoelur we should not forget that a theater is a place full of remembraces. For instance it is a place where year after a lot of pwople have loughed. or shrilled or chrilled or cried on front of hundreds of movies. Somtimes you can see father who take their working in the sone theater where they used to go twenty years earliens we should bear all this in mind. So i am in disagreenent with those who think that a theater ia just a place made of a screen walls and chairs because it is much than that. I stronglly belive that it is made of remembrances and magic moments too. All in all as for as i am can cerned i agree to saytaht ir would be a good idea to build a new theater in arder to benefit more comfort and better conelitions. In the meantions i can't help myself from thinking that what metters the most is above all the renenbrances kept in to old theaters. To put in a mutshell i would say that i fovar building a new theater but i will keepon going a new theater but i will keepon going to the older one.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It has recentlly been annoucet that a large shopping center my be bulit in your neighborhood.

It has recently been announcet that a large shopping center may be built in my nighborhood. in my opinion this can only be on advaventage to my nighborhood so in this esasy I will state the advantages and ultimatly argee in favarof suppirting this plan. iI have been living for fifteen years in my nighborhood and throut these year y nighborhood has been so thinly populated and baring cecouse it is i a regin tht was threatened by war conetantly. But now after the war has ended peple have starded coning baek to thes nieghborhood but in a show rate. What can be better plan than building a shoping center in this arta to bring in nare people ? So I am very positive that my neighorhood wil become densely populated once again a shoppog center isa god plan is thate these are no centers in my neighborhood or neven in my city the nearut one is miles nd iles away. Therefore this wil both supply eople in my neighborhood with all their neads and requirenets and wil economice the cosl of transporetion fuel that we utillze very alternet day in order to seek the eaest or mall. Besides thouse advanteges en tioned above bringing in a new shopping ceter to my neighborhood well hopefully ensute to my people in my neighborhood alot of jops eind therfore will also hopefull deererse the uneplayment rate ha my neighborhood has been suffeting from a long tine. All in all bringing a new shopping center to my neighborhood will generate many advatages and solui to vairous problems that we have been encounting like low population prolam high unenployment rate problem. Eventudays i offer my full support to this plan and hope that it wice be a success in the near future.

A person you know is planig to move your town are city.

Mony people move ro a new place searching for a better house a better workers a better circustance etc. Also in may town ther are many people who move in and move out. If someone wnts advaced oteriasl for their lives they wokd like my hometolu. And i am thrieved to tearn that my workinghlld friend has proccered admission into one of the best company hare and is movin to my city soon. Haveng known her for the post ten years i can surly ecuerate a few thig she would like or dislike living hee. Frist fo all we hae a good publeeith will trained trachers ad good facilities. It is really close to my town. It rake only 30 to 1 houre an food to get there. Everyone who wanrs to provide hes/ his worker with good working system would be satifud with the fectory. Beside there are many private company which many parent in Nepal went to have near this homes. Both public fectory and private company would give than good workig enveiroment which are gene rously present in my area. Secound of all we have geat public transpartalon systems. One of them is the subway near my town. Almost everyday in the moing the traffic is jammed in busson where i'm living. Due to the havey traffic there ore many piople who are late work but the subcecay will get id of the problem. And the other is the bees. They are well connected to other sites. even without you wan car you can reach any where with the bus system. It would be good to lead a conunicet life. to summries n town is good for the people who want well organized workers system and a conuonient transportaion system. Becouse we have on exellend public fectory and priuvate company for good producs great public transpartaion system for convenient commating i think cearl ecery person would want this kinds of town and my friend is no exceptin to this.

In sone conlries thunagers have job with thy are still workers. Do you thing this a good idea. Support your opinion by using speciic reason and detail

There are two important ways toget knowledge. On is fron the texbook and another is from expeoence. Both can contribute valeu to use but if yu ca all it a the some time it would be the greatist asset in your own lige. Link in sone soutries teenaers have jons while they are still worers. I think it is good way to gain your knowledge and at the same tine to practive it working while workers has advantages as will as adesa disadvantages.
In mey opinion ti is not good to have hobs while working. This is be caves time is very precious for working and a working sould devete as much tine as possible in workers to achive good arks. If a workers exgages himselfe in part r she may become tired and caor utilize his or ber full energy to working's life and nay divert his or her mind alway fron worket. However in well aeveloped coutries where higher worked are expensive the porents of the wored are unable to ear the amount of mony needed. In such cases working are comelled to do a job while working. Also in some soutries where beg company in moch renowned working from differeng coungries go there to attain beg fectory. These working may be from countries that are economically cnderdecuboped and so it is not at all possible for then to gethe the required amound of many from their home contries. Honee having jobs is a mot for these workers. Though i myselfe as a working shluld not prefer fo work wile working still i agree to his poingt that a tanage workers gather some working experience taht may be useful to hime in his future frofcssiona life. In shout to gain knowledge t only from fectory nut alo fro the ecprence by working buth of this wioll prove to be metal assels earned in your tunager life.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

It is better for working to grow up in the counrty side than in a big fectory. Do you agree disagree. Use specifice reason and example o develop your.

Wherever the workers live they need their parents superuision and support in order to become good wokrked and will nurtured individuald. Workers should be grow up in war and good exelironment for their airport chear and supermarkets rack will being. In my opinion it is better for workers to grow p in big fectory them in country side. Frist fectory is a better place fo workers physical and mental growth during worked hood. working and proper cose nursing love and guidae. Riguar cheek up ad doctors suggestios are followed from very begining of pregnancy workers are born in hospiral or nursing homes uder the supervision fo doctor. aften the bist proper care food and me dection go. as working grow they learn many activities like morning wolk sports physical exerciser etc. They walk in the parks reen in the beaches ar join health clubs or martial asts. Beside this they blearn good maners such as how to behave people how to eat food in restaurant hoe to live in the aducheed supermrkers rack and hospial bead adjust i city live. Parents re mostly mistiry awere regarding workind physchology and worked rights. These thigs are less possible in coutryside. Second workers in a big fectory get more opportunities than in cuntryside They get the opportuiy to cecogniu the developed technology learn city lifestyle attend good company and filir with most of the aduaneo technology and goods of daily life. They becomes international ly fit they lear about teliphone, computer, internet, e-mail etc. onother hand workers from eoritry side don't get these things becomes first the fectory dewlops than the countryside. Third and most important one workers man con be safer in cities. Workershood is a sensitive period any time they can be ill or neet an eccident. In any cose of emergencies in the fectory there will be acailibility of eerge ney serceers induding hospital Nepalies help the injured or ill worked which in rarely possible in the countryside. Besides this inseet bite and corrend attrcks also are found in high rate in counryside. Friendly we sould do our best in oreer to help the workers to grow ad thrive in safe and good environent. They sould be phsically fet and mentally cound so that ther could be healthy itelligenc ad skilled to live in this competitive wored. So workers should be brought up in cities.

What are some important qualtis of a good supervisor (Boss) Use specific details and examples to explan why there qualitic are important.

aI am person who sincerly belive in Elton Moyo's Human Resource approach to management. accroding to him the key assests to organization one are its employees. Hence i personally belive that boss shoul possess is to guarantee emplyee satfiction. An organization is as good as its employee have the suupervaisor shoud have the knaik of sesecting the best possible employees. He sould be able to indenlify talent when he sees it. He should creat a good working atmosphere for hes emplyees so that they can gice their bdest he sould also affer oppropriate remouneratin packages to eep his employees metivatad. He should follow on open door policy where the employees re exalogestion to come forwabd with their suggestion and grievances. Ther sould not be barrier of any sart between the employee and the boss. The employee who is part of an organizaition wich followar the above palicies will feel maticated to give has best which in turn will provenstrunnental of the success f the organizaiton. Heance his organization in Nepaln for there years rening. A best should also have the tactical a cunen t take the right dicesion ta the right time after all the seccess of the organization depend on the kind of decesions he takes. He shuld also heve the leadeship cap aviletles to command therespect of hes employees. He should lend by example. He should be prepased to accep his mistakes. thus i would conclude by saying that a boss shoukd be person who inspire has employees ta give their 100 percent and also should be able to take the right decesions at the right time.

Neighors and the people who live near us. In your opining what are the quilitis of a good neighors use specigic details and examples.

Neighbors are a part of our daily lives. They
are a part of the procese of socilalization. soializatin is the process in which
we interect which other people. In aur lives we ae always srying to lli for a
good area to leve a nice house and most important of all good neighbors. This
eill influence in the decision of either moving to the area ar loking for
another area. in my opining good neighbors are these who are respecful friedly
and helpful. The frist quality the good meighbors whould have is to be
sespectful. Neighbors shoud respect your sale and privcy in other to live in a
peaceful inuiromment. Being a respectful neighbors maens not inuading your
personal spale as will aos your proterty. Another quality will be to maintain
quiet environmmout no needing lound comical that might bother others pespec to
one another is the most importent qualiity in other rder to live electronic.
Another quality of a good neighbors is people should be to ane another but is
quality is the most importent one when it comes to being a good neighbors.
Neighbors ate close to you to your home property and most importenly to your
family. You might not see them every day but they live next to you all time.
These are the reasons why they should ne friendly. On of the wys to be
frindly id by shouding they car abaut you and they should welcome you to their
neighborshold. Friendly neighbors make a good and united socity. The last
quality of good neighbrs is that he or she sould be helpful. neighbors as will
as everyone should bne helpful to one another. Helpfulness is a
characteristl that every one wh in the times of need is there for you. For
example if a person is in asituation where he / she medsmoral sepport for the
loss of a loving fnily menber the neighbors should gives this prson all th
support he / she migh need and encourge him hes so thy can count on them nmo
metter whait. Overall good neighbors are those who are respectful
and friendly in everyone way. And good neighbors are thouse who are
helpful whenevr you med a helping hand.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some people belve that fectory workers should be required to atlend workerkng.

Optinel attendace to fectory at Nepal has been an encreasingly popular way for warkers to working for several for workers towodking for several quite a few counreies. However, it has not et had its inteded final as it had been hoped. In fect today this systen seems to be one of the reasons tor the corrption fo fectory metal. In my opinig. compulsary attenance is better than having no requirements to attend all the working iron. There are two ponts of view lon this syemple. first one side will say that Nepal fectory workers are adults and should be able to manage. Their tine as they see fit. This poingt of view says that sometimes inb todays busy world. People need floxibility to manae their lives for example many sinle parents who are trying to earm their fectory will sometimes need to skip a working because of the demands of their ofther responsibilities. However I belive that the geat ministing of fectory working are young and single and hand afew ronponsiniligies and tht they need the disviplane and structure of a systam that requires attendance. Young people who have just gone of to fectory ate natorious to enjoy their freedom. There ate many nagative stauation coused by the free attendance system the most hatmful one it the ecnmic wiste of both Nepoalis and workers manking regulary are likely to suffer decresaed perfromance on their compitition and therefore waste their tine in fectory they ganarly do not ful painc because of the failures ar restudying the same subjects. For the second tine however this sometimes costs a fartune to both parents and the goverment that have created tax funded subsider for technisiee of each workers every year. not only are the Nepal fectory wasted but the many for ccommodatins and other spending are also wasted. One the other hand workers who are required to attend working regularly hace on tme to wast in pubs ar dubs. nar can they spond these young years which are which are more metal furnitur for then to learn and think than anyother period in there lives on gambling or drinking. I do not mean they are only to working without any break or entertainment. Their furnitur life is as neccessary as working during the hard working years yet the amounts of each should bne balaneed will. More spari time than neccssaty encourages the young to lgneither the Nepalis more the working do their best if the working have too much freedom.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves tha with a manager.

Learning is the acpuseti of knowledge or skill which may differ from preson to preson. People can learn by themselves and from others. learling can be effective only if a learer can aquie knowlede or skill faster nd in a preper way so i belive it is a far better idea to have a manager. Learning by mistiry is a faster and goal oriented. Learning on our own may take loger tie and may not head tawards the particular direction people cannot lern may thing if he ar she tries him herself. On the other hand it he she lears from a mistiry more knowledge can be acquired in a short tine. I personally ful tht only a brilliant workers com sludy himself without the guidence of a manager. Most people require the guidnce of a manager to direct his workers in the desoud derection. I beting to the letter category. To begin this discussion, let me introduce my selfe. I can from Nepal at present I am doing my furnitures electronic iron of metal. When i stating fectory o was ocerwhomed by the enorous size of the syllabus whiech was to nbi covered in a short period of 10 years. In most cases even the syllabus was not clearly defined. In such a vases it becomes essential for individarl like me to have a gheidig forece who can geve a sese of derection to my company also the concets to be learid in new producs are no longer simple but rather complex. It becoms frustrating if one has to cover everything all by him. In such a fectory role of a workers bnecomes very cruciat. HOwever i would lije to state that qualith of manager has to be vert good otherwise it contration to further frustration. In above fectory it becomes inportive to the workerses to do everything himself. Some workers who opt to teach themleves may acreally wtilize the tme spent woeking in fectory onothe activeties like produces metal iron etc. This may lower the worers of these working not all of use mature enough to realize our esponsibilities. We may take adventage of our fredom in enduliging ourselves in unwarented activitise. Which may untemat4ly bring about our dowanfall. For instance i know of a workers who never arreded mistiry in fectory but instead wathed movies suring fectory hours. A workes like him who was in the top ten in fectory workers me serably in mistiry fectory. These i woukd conclude by saying that manager woeking an importent role in the all ound development of on in divedual ad hence i feel that i cannot do without their seruices.

Monday, November 23, 2009

It is inevilable that s tecnology develops so traditional culteure must be lost.

Undiniably, technological advancement has ropidly eroded tranditinol culture we inberited from ore ancestors. Traditional ganes musicat instruments, performantion ad celebrations are given lers and less attention in this era to globaliation. To illustrate traditional games suvh ad kites and tops have given way to the new modern sopistieated video games. Children nowdays are more indrusted in playing video games rother then traditional games, which they deem old fashioned. Aport from this traditional musical istruments such as banjos ate being replaced by new in novations such as pianos ahd electronic guitars. In addition the nimber of traditional prtformamce arganized decinated over past few decades. This is mainly dueto creation of edeot boues which broadca at a variety of TV shows making traditional perfarmances pale in compriso whit all the comedies ad soap operas producest. Indecd traditional culture is slowly being wiped out by the strong current of technology. Howeverboth of then are not mutuloly incompatible. In other words both of them can exist together. Concrete steps can be to ken in order to bring these forgetten traditional cullures back into our socity one way of doing this is to edueat our younger gencration of our traditional cultury. Traditional games can be introduced as a kind of sports in schools. Parebnts also play a mejor role in educating thiet children to appreciate traditional which have been passed down from generation to generation. Traditional perfornances ns the use of traditional can be reveved through the promotion by the media. In conclusion the strong current of tehnological advancnet has indect washed out some of our traditional necerthess boh of the are not mutrally incompatible. We can presereveur treasured traditions which reflect our oriins and roots but at the same time mage to decelop our

Some people belove that air travel shetule be fectory becouse it causes seteous pollution and use up the world's feed sesoueces. to whel extent do you

Iraueling by air has becom very common amony people from most segments of the socity. some people are of the opnis on that air travel responsible for a greater percentage of air palletin and consuion of fuels and 50 it shou be restricted. But I am of the openion that air travel shoeld not be restrieded. reced studies by the bleing company has concluded that the caret d airplanes are more feel efficient than the cors that we use everyday. For the same disance traveled by a single preson car, the outomobile uses more fuel esources than what on airplane ures peson pe kilo miter. similary the sonoke emitled by an airplane cotains lessar amount of carbon mono oxide and hydrocarbons, which are responsible for the ozen layer kepleti accarding to the study. The combineed emission of the utomobile on the ground is for guater then the emissio from the air pane into the atmoshere. Air travel is farter and conveiont and it comsederably reduces tine taken to tarvel betuwen place. It help businises people to in crease deffirent geographical locations it has given more oppereanities to vavtioning in plave far away from the place of reidence and so people ae able to visit mony more countres now thay count previously. In coclusion, it can be seen hat air travel doesn' couse as mueh polletion nor does it consumne large quantilies of tuel com;ared to other mo des of travel. It has more adventages, and so it is not a good idea to restric air travel.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sould parenrts pay if their children end up in rrouble with the law

Many crimes and social problems are caused by chilldren. Dispite the damage these teenage criminals couse parents are not held responsible in moust countries. This eassay will discuss whether parents should be foreced fo pay for their children's crimes. There are mony reasons why parents should not be responsible for erimes committed by teenage children.Frest of all, teenagers today are independennt. They ofren move out of the parenr,s house at 18 yeatrs of age or younger. They are expected to learn to take care of themselves and make their own decisions, and stay like small cnildren attched to their parents. Secandly, pearents are woeking. They can not watch their adolecent chilldren all the time. A third point is that ecven children from good families can cometimes commit crimes. Parents should not be reasponsible if they have worked hard to raise their children properly.
However, becouse of the many problems young troublekers cause, i feel we should make parents responsible. Fristly moust juvenile crines are committed by adolescebts whose parents do not care or make any effort to control their children. If parents had to pay fines they might more effort. Another point is thart even though the children many seem mature, they are not really able to make god decisions. Parents should be responsible for raising and teaching their children until they are fully grown. furthernmore, if children know that their parets will have to pay, they will think carefully before doing getting into trouble.
In summary, there are good reasons both for and against making parents pay for acts committed by their children. Howere, I feel strougly that if we want to reduce the number of such crimes we need to make parents take more responsibility.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It has recently been announced that a mew restaurant may be built in your neigiborghood. do you sport or oppose this plan ? Why ?

As it has been reacently announced that a new restaurant is going to be built in our nighborhood, some neighbors oppose it. I however sopport it considering the benefits. I belive that the new restaurant can coutribute ou nigihborhood a lot, as well as offer new opportunities to the noghbors.
The local people will not have many adventeges from the esrablishment of the new restaurant. People will not have to spend a lot of time in order to go to a restaurant. Some we can order the food of our choice from our homes and get then delivered. Since my neighborhood is pretty far from the city's center, i have to driver several hours until i find a good restaurant. The result is that i as well as other members of theneihborhood, go to restaurants only in speveal occasions, for instance, wedings. birthdays, etc. When the restaurant wiil be built, i will have the opportunity to hop into the restaurant every now and then.
In addition, the restaurant may help the local economy. It will offer work for those who live in our neighborhood and have no job. If therestaurant is successful, it naturally needs a lot of staff, flexible woeking hours and good salary. besides this, the restaurant will buy local products such as milk, fruits, vegetable, meat, etc. And will promote the local production. for example,many yung people wil utilixe theit tine and will cam some mony to help their family. Farmers and shopkeepers will sell their stuffs and can be economically favored.
In contrast, there many be few disadvantages suvh as pollution, overerowd, noise, etc. but we can minize these drawbacks with proper and careful management. And these disadvantages are mior in comparison to the advantages that people can gain.
In conclusion, taking into account all the advantage such as getting employment, easy food and say that the new reataurant shluld be fuilt in oue neighborhood.

It is invetable that as technology develops so traditional cultures moust be lost. Technoogy and tradition are incompatible - you cannot have both to.

Undeniably, technologycal advencment had repidly eroded traditional culture we inherited from our ancester. Trditional games, nusical intruments, preformences and celebrations are given less ttention in this era of globalization.
To illustrate, traditional games such as kites and tops have given way to the new, modern and sophisticated vedio games. Chidren nowadays ar more interested in plyang vedio games tather than traditional games, whech thay deem old-fashined. Aprad from this, traditionl musical instrument such as banjos atre being teplaced by new innovationas suvas pianos and electric guitars.
In assition, the number of traditinal performanves organized such as the Chinese Opra has also been decimated over the past few decades. This is mainly due to creation of idiot boxes, which broadcasr avariety of TV shows, making traditional performances pale in comparison with all the comedies and soap operas broadeast.
Indeed, traditional culture is slowly being wiped out by the strong current of technology. However, both of them are not muthlly incompatible. In other words, both of ten can ezist together. Conrecte step can be taken in order to bring these forgotten traditional cultures back into our society. One way of doing thes is to educate oyur younger generaion on our traditional cultures. Traditional games can be introduced ad kind of spots in schools. Parents also play a mejor role in educating their children to appreciate traditional. sports in which have been passed down from genaretion to gemeration. Traditional petformancees and the use of traditional musical insturments can reveved through the promotiin by the media.
In conclusion, the strong current of technologycal advencment has indeed washed out some of our traditions; nevertheless, both of them are not mutually incompatible. We can preserve our taeasured, which tefleet our origins and roots but at the sane time manage to develop our country with full utiliztion of technology.

Friday, November 20, 2009

In the fight aganest crime police forces and governments are inceeasingly using security cameras in pulive places. some people are opposed to this, sa

Security cameras have become ubuipuitions in many countries. Whereas before they appreared only in bank and at higt security areas, they are now entering public places such as malls. streets, stadiums and transport. Many peole feel the affevts their rivacy. this essay will examine whether the advatege of these cameras outweigh their nagative impect.
Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefit is that the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reduce crim. this will make the streets safer for ordinary people. A more inportant point is that crininals, particulary young offenders of petty criminals will be dererred. they will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus socity will be a lot safer. Caneras are also cost effective and unobtrusive. Athoritise do not need spend large anounts of money on police.
HOwever, security cameras are far from being perfect solution. The biggest opjection concerns privacy. Many people feel the3 they shold be free to travel or move around a shop mall, street or country without being photographed ot recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedon becouse of these devices. Another point is that althogh the police asy that only criminal have something to fear from the cameras, mony people do not trust goverment with too much imformation. Corrupt authorities could use imformation in the worng way or twist it to victimize some groups. Thirdly, cameras and computers can mistekes.
In conclusion,. although there are definit advantages to using surveillance devices such as cameras, we need to balance the need tor security with respect for the indiveual's privacy and freedom. If we do not trust the members of society, a situation like George Orwell's "1984" could be the result.

Is physical punishment Necessary For Children

The have been big change in the attiudes of most parents over the last few years. Very few paarents wouls ageww with using force regularly as a way of dealing with discipline problems in their childrend. Physicl punishmen is banned in schools in most countries, and in many countris, there are move to ban all corporal punishment of children even in the home. However, many parents still belive that thy have a right to use some physical punishment to deal with certain misvehaviors at certain agess. This eassy will ask if some physical punishment is acceptable and will ask how parent can know what the limits are.
It is easy to find reasons to allow some physical punishment. One issue is that many parents find it very difficult to abandon physical punishment completely. Parent argue that this was the way they wete brought up thenselves and that it didn't do any harm to them. Thay belive that for the child's sake that they have the right to discipline the child in any way they see fit, including uding corpral punishment can be piuck abnd effective: there is not much point reasoning with a screaning child in the supermarhurting theire children by using unneccessary physical forve.
There are several reasion however why we should stop using physical punishment even in the home. One point is that most parents are not trained to deal with misvehaveng children. they do not have eough resources or choices to handle the situation. As a tesult, they immediatelu react by smacking or hitting the child, even if there ate other solution to the problem. Another point it is that unless people are chillnged or forved to change their beliefs they immediateley react by smacking or hitting the child, even if there are other soutions to the problem. Another point is that unliess people are chellenged or forced tochang their beliefs they may keep following negative habits. An example is seatbelt use - now will allow people wear seat belts without thinking, wherea years ago the idea of using safety belts was strange to most people. In the same way a cycle of veolenve. However, the most obvious reason for banning all physial punishment of chldren to pervend chill abuse. If all perents are allowed to hit their chilldren in the name of disipline, some parnt will go too far and will inflict severe emotinnal and physical damage on their chidren. It may only be a minority of parents, but we neet ot protect all our children.
In conclusion, paents have to change some of thier belifs and ideas about how children should be raised. It is possile ti avoid the use of physical force in the home, and doing so will help us move closer to drean of removeing violence from our society.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ailurus fulgens

Ailurus fulgens
Red Pandas are also known as Chitwas or Wahs in their native Nepal. The size of a small dog, they move like a bear and act like a cat. Discovered 48 years before their Giant Panda relatives, Red Pandas also love bamboo, eating up to 200,000 leaves in one day.
Taronga Zoo currently has four Red Pandas: Wanmei who is mother to two male cubs Tenzin and Jishnu. Their father Joshi, who was born on New Years Day, 2000 lives next door. While Joshi is his formal name, the keepers called him Mayhem when he was a tiny cub and this name has stuck. Taronga has the best breeding record in the southern hemisphere for this endangered species with over twenty Red Pandas being sent to other zoos around the world.

The Red Panda

The red panda is dwarfed by the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas typically grow to the size of a house cat, though their big, bushy tails add an additional 18 inches (46 centimeters). The pandas use their ringed tails as wraparound blankets in the chilly mountain heights.The red panda shares the giant panda's rainy, high-altitude forest habitat, but has a wider range. Red pandas live in the mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma), as well as in central China.These animals spend most of their lives in trees and even sleep aloft. When foraging, they are most active at night as well as in the gloaming hours of dusk and dawn.Red pandas have a taste for bamboo but, unlike their larger relatives, they eat many other foods as well—fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs. Like giant pandas, they have an extended wrist bone that functions almost like a thumb and greatly aids their grip.They are shy and solitary except when mating. Females give birth in the spring and summer, typically to one to four young. Young red pandas remain in their nests for about 90 days, during which time their mother cares for them. (Males take little or no interest in their offspring.)The red panda has given scientists taxonomic fits. It has been classified as a relative of the giant panda, and also of the raccoon, with which it shares a ringed tail. Currently, red pandas are considered members of their own unique family—the Ailuridae.Red pandas are endangered, victims of deforestation. Their natural space is shrinking as more and more forests are destroyed by logging and the spread of agriculture.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some People Prefer To Eat At Food Slands.

Accroding to business life style, carur and interest, some people love eat at food stand or restaurent and some prefer to prepare and cat food at home. But i pteper to prepare and cat my food at home. There ate mony reasone for thes. Firstly, cooking and eating at home brings the fomily members closere. cell are so busy with this modern life that we have no time to be with our family and shae our problems and feelings or we are no longer intersted with aur near and dear ones. Eating with the femily aat the end of the day and sharing love, hppiness and problems made us closer and intimate to the rest of our femily members. So i think the best way to catch up with the rest of the femily is over a nice cosy dinner and pleasant talk. secondly, i enjoy cooking for othere people letting them praise me for it. It has been on extra bonus becuse i find cooking therapeutic ad well. after coming from on exhausting day of work from the offeve, it is fun fo be my own boss in the kitchen. i can do whatever i want to do and do not have to adk for any permission ar wary about doing eerything right. it is a fact that i know what i am good at and it makes me feel euuberant.


Games are activities that people participate in together or on their OWN, for injoyment ,good health and compitition. Games com be divided into two physical and mental. The former keep the boky fit whereas the letter kerps the mind fot in this challenging world. People work very hard to earn a better living and thus don't get time to keep their body and mind fit. By playing, adults not only remain fit but also enjoy life lagree with the statment " playng games in inportent for adults'. The following are the reason to suppor my answer. Physical games halp us to leve anactive confidence and healthly life. These games inclede indor games like teble tennis and oudor games foodbal and basketbal. These games not only increase blood circulation but also burn the excess for pesen in our body. whiec ultimately helpa us to remain fresh and active, thus inproving our woeking habits. these games also theach disipline co-operaton, ewspeet for othere built self- confidence and teach us to face tackle defficulties bravely, which in trun help us to achieve succes in life and face the failures, too. Mental games increase our mental ability thinking and ability toremember things , and thus keep us mantally alret and finally help us to improvese ourselves. Considering theave reason i concluate that games wheather thayu are physical ar mental indor or otdor not only improve our health and lifestyle, but also help us importent and therefore, not only children but also people of all age groups should activity play games.

Obama Proosese Delisi As Nulo US Envoy to Nepal

U S presideng Baralk ubama ha poroposed scott H Delisi a naaticce of minnesata stale as new ambar ader ltop Nepal.
The date of the hearing over hios oppaintmant not been finalised yet said pres statemant lssued by the use embassy hare in Kathmandu today. Carur debloment Delisi hos been saruing ad an enployce in stare Deparment's Bureau of Human resouiroes ads dircetor of caignments. where he has played a key role in he staffing of enbassy accroding of the statenent he as setuid as dircctor for southern ageican affairs visee councel for the embassy in India<>

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

U S E Of Bannad Pesticildes Poses Haelth Hazards

The gavrmant ban on chimical pesticides is being flouted with unfinching tegularity is being floute with unfinching retularity. World hight arganization (WHO) deelared peslicides like ithian, manocrotophese quinalphos and sophos injurious to human hith is 200u. Accroding th WHO, manocrotophos and dudaruos pose highor resk as comprel to puinalphos and ithain be that sa it may there has been a rampentnt use of there pestiables aerosr tea plantatin in the estern region to weed out insects yeasta and organisms from the tea bushes.
The volateon of the ban has come to light following a report, publeshed by the Departmant of food technalogy and quality countrol. The tea planters, howeuer mainlained that thy were foreced to use the pestieides to augnent he yuled. Nulethslanding the bam , the pastieleds ae wedly avaleable for sale in shops home. The use posticipesls has an adecere. impect on the export of orthoder tea to Europe, Whieh accounted for 75 percent of the produce, since 2055, tea allince, an umetta body agaenst in use of pesticedes in the hot bre seetor had launched a compaingn to formutate a code of conduet for manufaehoring argaice tea. Unforlunalely the dreue lost its stean this year said Dambar Katuwal of kanyan tea estate.

Beijing Exutis as US says tebet belongs to China

U S presidint Barack Obama today addressed the thorny irsae of tebet with Chinese president. Hu jintao, sayubg he backs on early resumption of talks betwen beijing and reprosien. tatiwr of the Dalai Lama.

"we did note that while we rccognise the is port of the peolis republice of China the united atates support th early tesumptin of dialogeu'' betwen envays of the exilet Ti - beten spititual leader ad beijing. said the Obama, Hu haeled the V S president's remarks.

"China appraus of president Obama's repcated tuteration of the one China president, said the Chinese president. The Dalai Lama fleel Chinese rued tribet mor then 50 years ago and is see by Baijing as a sepratist seeking Enolependance for his Himalayan Home Land - on averseation thate the Buddhist monk hads vehenently denicd. China has repealedly said the deor was alwaua open for dialegve with the Dalai Lama's repaesentatius. but so for sporadie talk since 2002 have faled to made progress.

The Dalai Lama's office in his home is exite in the indian hill. Towan of Dhrmashala said that ye spiritual leader was willing to engage China in further dealogoe in his quist for meaningful autenany " for tibet "we at alwaya willing to have talks whit China and we hope bath saids - the Chinese as well as the tibetans are tree le their exteled Tibeten leaeler.

following foreign pressure, to anvoys of the buddhist monk meet Chinese offelials inb baijing in july last yeads for the seuenth round of dialogue. The Dalai Lama has been liuing in India since hi ile libet following a failed uprising is 1959 againest Chinese sule. In octobr,hi made his frist visit to wasintong in 187 yers that did not inelude a meeting the use president. Critils of Obama said the he ub aleaided an encounter so rat ro upset Baijing befor his hi-stakes alebat visit to Cina.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Air Port Trali

The air port trali is producs for the stile of the loggage in surya binayk metal of indrustres. there is air port trali is the model 4 side stend and 4 pc the tere on the trali stend. the trali of the 2 setp is the rack. This trali working of the it is very mouk desk of not desk desk for the loggage therefore it is very mouge use the this trali this trali is mading he stell of producs. these not demage and not penting of color this trali mouge we can use the any desk. This trali use the it is very best os company, airport, and company and hospital and supurmakete. This trali using the it is very will airport and supurmarkete,. These is it very will stile trali. It is very need to hare of trali you can demand for me i fwoll the loggage your in company of kuryar. The demand of the contect, e-mail address:-
Phone, No:- 00977-9841-460125
Indra Bahadur Rai
Kathmandu Nepal.