Monday, November 23, 2009

Some people belove that air travel shetule be fectory becouse it causes seteous pollution and use up the world's feed sesoueces. to whel extent do you

Iraueling by air has becom very common amony people from most segments of the socity. some people are of the opnis on that air travel responsible for a greater percentage of air palletin and consuion of fuels and 50 it shou be restricted. But I am of the openion that air travel shoeld not be restrieded. reced studies by the bleing company has concluded that the caret d airplanes are more feel efficient than the cors that we use everyday. For the same disance traveled by a single preson car, the outomobile uses more fuel esources than what on airplane ures peson pe kilo miter. similary the sonoke emitled by an airplane cotains lessar amount of carbon mono oxide and hydrocarbons, which are responsible for the ozen layer kepleti accarding to the study. The combineed emission of the utomobile on the ground is for guater then the emissio from the air pane into the atmoshere. Air travel is farter and conveiont and it comsederably reduces tine taken to tarvel betuwen place. It help businises people to in crease deffirent geographical locations it has given more oppereanities to vavtioning in plave far away from the place of reidence and so people ae able to visit mony more countres now thay count previously. In coclusion, it can be seen hat air travel doesn' couse as mueh polletion nor does it consumne large quantilies of tuel com;ared to other mo des of travel. It has more adventages, and so it is not a good idea to restric air travel.

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