Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sould parenrts pay if their children end up in rrouble with the law

Many crimes and social problems are caused by chilldren. Dispite the damage these teenage criminals couse parents are not held responsible in moust countries. This eassay will discuss whether parents should be foreced fo pay for their children's crimes. There are mony reasons why parents should not be responsible for erimes committed by teenage children.Frest of all, teenagers today are independennt. They ofren move out of the parenr,s house at 18 yeatrs of age or younger. They are expected to learn to take care of themselves and make their own decisions, and stay like small cnildren attched to their parents. Secandly, pearents are woeking. They can not watch their adolecent chilldren all the time. A third point is that ecven children from good families can cometimes commit crimes. Parents should not be reasponsible if they have worked hard to raise their children properly.
However, becouse of the many problems young troublekers cause, i feel we should make parents responsible. Fristly moust juvenile crines are committed by adolescebts whose parents do not care or make any effort to control their children. If parents had to pay fines they might more effort. Another point is thart even though the children many seem mature, they are not really able to make god decisions. Parents should be responsible for raising and teaching their children until they are fully grown. furthernmore, if children know that their parets will have to pay, they will think carefully before doing getting into trouble.
In summary, there are good reasons both for and against making parents pay for acts committed by their children. Howere, I feel strougly that if we want to reduce the number of such crimes we need to make parents take more responsibility.

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