Monday, December 7, 2009

Some people belive taht air travel sholuld be restriatel becouse it causes serirus pallution and use up the world's fuel resources.

Traveling by air has become very common among people from most seg nents of the scoity. Some people are of the opintion taht air travel ia responsible for a greater pre cenbtorge of air pollution an consumption of fuels and so it ahuld be sstrieted. but I an co the opnion openion that air travel ahouols hot be restrected. recent studies be the nboeing company has concluded that the surrebnt day airplanes are mor ful efficient than the cars that we use eceyday. for the same disdane traveled by a single person resources than whaat an airplane uew per pouson per kiloniter. Sin larluy the sonke emetted by an airplane aontains lesser amount of carbon mono oxide and hydrocarbone which are responsible for the ozone layer depletion accarding to the study. The combined emission of the outomobile is on the ground is for greater. Than emisinon trons the airplanes in to the at mosphere. Air travel is forter and convenient and it considerably reduces the tine taken to travel between places. It helps business locations an also to take core of their business unit spreal across different geographical locations. It has given more oppartunities to vacationing in a place for away from the place of residence and so people re able to vesit maby more countries now than they could preceilusly in conelusion. It can be seen taht airtravel dosen't couse as moch pollution nor doss it consemne lorge quantities of ful compared to other modes of travel. It has more deluant ages which autweigh these disodvantage and so it is ot a good idea to restrict air travel

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