Monday, November 23, 2009

It is inevilable that s tecnology develops so traditional culteure must be lost.

Undiniably, technological advancement has ropidly eroded tranditinol culture we inberited from ore ancestors. Traditional ganes musicat instruments, performantion ad celebrations are given lers and less attention in this era to globaliation. To illustrate traditional games suvh ad kites and tops have given way to the new modern sopistieated video games. Children nowdays are more indrusted in playing video games rother then traditional games, which they deem old fashioned. Aport from this traditional musical istruments such as banjos ate being replaced by new in novations such as pianos ahd electronic guitars. In addition the nimber of traditional prtformamce arganized decinated over past few decades. This is mainly dueto creation of edeot boues which broadca at a variety of TV shows making traditional perfarmances pale in compriso whit all the comedies ad soap operas producest. Indecd traditional culture is slowly being wiped out by the strong current of technology. Howeverboth of then are not mutuloly incompatible. In other words both of them can exist together. Concrete steps can be to ken in order to bring these forgetten traditional cullures back into our socity one way of doing this is to edueat our younger gencration of our traditional cultury. Traditional games can be introduced as a kind of sports in schools. Parebnts also play a mejor role in educating thiet children to appreciate traditional which have been passed down from generation to generation. Traditional perfornances ns the use of traditional can be reveved through the promotion by the media. In conclusion the strong current of tehnological advancnet has indect washed out some of our traditional necerthess boh of the are not mutrally incompatible. We can presereveur treasured traditions which reflect our oriins and roots but at the same time mage to decelop our

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