Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dio you agree ar disagrec that progress is dways good use pecifec reasons and examples to soppurt your coumnications.

In our warld of diveloping technology one would come op with the inevitanle question wether the progress we are all experiencing is akwayys good for use. In my opinion progress is good but not always. There is not woubt as to the efficieney of progress. It has brought use the internet so we wan buy movie tickets areler food do use shopping plan our yearly vacation all from the comfort of our home. Despite the comfortanle way of doing things cea the internet it sees that people have becone less sociable making less contact with the outside world. It seem that the wostern society is prone to worlds cocoonig themselves in thir hone than desiring aclual interaction with people. With the surronding and with the daily challwnges that the outside world has to offer. In has this aspect progress has definitely damaged our ability to communicat as well as experience and enhoy the simple joys of life. Another aspect in which proress has provn not to be good is in the ceed for human labour. The use of aduabnced computers has cuated a technologycal world where manual lobour is not needed as moch . The computer as a pracise machine without the meeds for social bonefits and salary demands has replaced the for werking hands loving naby without a jon there is no drubt as to the efficincy f usubg computer s i mentioned inthe paragraph above. But looking ar it from a social perspectilre a lot of people around the world have lost nit ably their jobs but also their proele in what they also. In a nutshell progress is good. It dlows us more leisure time it makes wcerything handy for us. But as it stated above it is not always good. It has creed a lazier and less communivative society and has lift maby people without a job so we should be able to know how use technology to our beniefit in order to overcome these to setbacks.

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