Friday, November 27, 2009

In sone conlries thunagers have job with thy are still workers. Do you thing this a good idea. Support your opinion by using speciic reason and detail

There are two important ways toget knowledge. On is fron the texbook and another is from expeoence. Both can contribute valeu to use but if yu ca all it a the some time it would be the greatist asset in your own lige. Link in sone soutries teenaers have jons while they are still worers. I think it is good way to gain your knowledge and at the same tine to practive it working while workers has advantages as will as adesa disadvantages.
In mey opinion ti is not good to have hobs while working. This is be caves time is very precious for working and a working sould devete as much tine as possible in workers to achive good arks. If a workers exgages himselfe in part r she may become tired and caor utilize his or ber full energy to working's life and nay divert his or her mind alway fron worket. However in well aeveloped coutries where higher worked are expensive the porents of the wored are unable to ear the amount of mony needed. In such cases working are comelled to do a job while working. Also in some soutries where beg company in moch renowned working from differeng coungries go there to attain beg fectory. These working may be from countries that are economically cnderdecuboped and so it is not at all possible for then to gethe the required amound of many from their home contries. Honee having jobs is a mot for these workers. Though i myselfe as a working shluld not prefer fo work wile working still i agree to his poingt that a tanage workers gather some working experience taht may be useful to hime in his future frofcssiona life. In shout to gain knowledge t only from fectory nut alo fro the ecprence by working buth of this wioll prove to be metal assels earned in your tunager life.

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