Thursday, December 10, 2009

Learing about the post has no vols for those of us liging in the present.

What has passed is the post. Where one is going towards is the future. It is the present whieh is going to be with everyone for his ar her wholl life. Then the question arises as if one is always giong to live or can live with hes precent should he bother about hes past and why in the following few lines i will on phasize why one should think of pasl and get ready for the future to live in a better present. As I have meneoned earlire past is the passed present. A few days age in the sane world this post used to be as present for somebody. Somebody among us has created some sitaotion for use and we have tried our best to live the best posible in that setuation. This effort to couercome the cireunstances has put some guidelines. Set some standards for us. It is not the quwstion whether we have succecded in are efforts ornot. But it is sure that we hace put abibiography of experiences in front of those who are faeing sinidar situations. there is fanous quoting from the king of India Bahaddurshah Jafor. He says in his message to the nation that the nation who have get a brilliant history are difenitely going to have a very bright futaere. At some poing of time India swords will not hisitate to strike against the walls of London also. Where did this confidonecome from. This was his experience that mode him speak like that. One thing is very sure. Everyone has go a epportunity to read post and the future. What reamins to study is the post which may help to find solution to so mony thing. It is not a god lelea to incuent the whut again and again. One should use the inuentions from the post and try to build some thing else somthig more sophisticated for making life easier. One con allways find some mistakes in the post which in could have aveided. It kewise there is some wisdom conslu sion lesson which one can exraet from the posst. What is the harm using that ? I will give one example to supprt this opinion. In my college days. One of my friends failed in the theory of machines paper. After failing in the examionation when we had a descussion wefound out the mistake. During that time he had used the book fom some different outher whien wasnot spcifecd by oure unicersity. This book had failed him in the examihation. he realized and started usin the other book that i had used he passed with a scare higher than mine. This is the magic of reading and understanding the post and implementin on it. Ecery wolking person has learned walking form his post. Post has tought then how not to fall. Concluding i would suggerst that read the post as horoughly as you can. Analyz the bare facts in it. and try your best not to repcat those mistakes. It is not necessary to pity on the mistakes of the post ome shoukd not line in the post but mst bring the experiences to precctile. this is the sey for a bring ht futecre.

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