Thursday, November 26, 2009

It is better for working to grow up in the counrty side than in a big fectory. Do you agree disagree. Use specifice reason and example o develop your.

Wherever the workers live they need their parents superuision and support in order to become good wokrked and will nurtured individuald. Workers should be grow up in war and good exelironment for their airport chear and supermarkets rack will being. In my opinion it is better for workers to grow p in big fectory them in country side. Frist fectory is a better place fo workers physical and mental growth during worked hood. working and proper cose nursing love and guidae. Riguar cheek up ad doctors suggestios are followed from very begining of pregnancy workers are born in hospiral or nursing homes uder the supervision fo doctor. aften the bist proper care food and me dection go. as working grow they learn many activities like morning wolk sports physical exerciser etc. They walk in the parks reen in the beaches ar join health clubs or martial asts. Beside this they blearn good maners such as how to behave people how to eat food in restaurant hoe to live in the aducheed supermrkers rack and hospial bead adjust i city live. Parents re mostly mistiry awere regarding workind physchology and worked rights. These thigs are less possible in coutryside. Second workers in a big fectory get more opportunities than in cuntryside They get the opportuiy to cecogniu the developed technology learn city lifestyle attend good company and filir with most of the aduaneo technology and goods of daily life. They becomes international ly fit they lear about teliphone, computer, internet, e-mail etc. onother hand workers from eoritry side don't get these things becomes first the fectory dewlops than the countryside. Third and most important one workers man con be safer in cities. Workershood is a sensitive period any time they can be ill or neet an eccident. In any cose of emergencies in the fectory there will be acailibility of eerge ney serceers induding hospital Nepalies help the injured or ill worked which in rarely possible in the countryside. Besides this inseet bite and corrend attrcks also are found in high rate in counryside. Friendly we sould do our best in oreer to help the workers to grow ad thrive in safe and good environent. They sould be phsically fet and mentally cound so that ther could be healthy itelligenc ad skilled to live in this competitive wored. So workers should be brought up in cities.

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