Friday, November 27, 2009

It has recentlly been annoucet that a large shopping center my be bulit in your neighborhood.

It has recently been announcet that a large shopping center may be built in my nighborhood. in my opinion this can only be on advaventage to my nighborhood so in this esasy I will state the advantages and ultimatly argee in favarof suppirting this plan. iI have been living for fifteen years in my nighborhood and throut these year y nighborhood has been so thinly populated and baring cecouse it is i a regin tht was threatened by war conetantly. But now after the war has ended peple have starded coning baek to thes nieghborhood but in a show rate. What can be better plan than building a shoping center in this arta to bring in nare people ? So I am very positive that my neighorhood wil become densely populated once again a shoppog center isa god plan is thate these are no centers in my neighborhood or neven in my city the nearut one is miles nd iles away. Therefore this wil both supply eople in my neighborhood with all their neads and requirenets and wil economice the cosl of transporetion fuel that we utillze very alternet day in order to seek the eaest or mall. Besides thouse advanteges en tioned above bringing in a new shopping ceter to my neighborhood well hopefully ensute to my people in my neighborhood alot of jops eind therfore will also hopefull deererse the uneplayment rate ha my neighborhood has been suffeting from a long tine. All in all bringing a new shopping center to my neighborhood will generate many advatages and solui to vairous problems that we have been encounting like low population prolam high unenployment rate problem. Eventudays i offer my full support to this plan and hope that it wice be a success in the near future.

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