Saturday, November 21, 2009

It is invetable that as technology develops so traditional cultures moust be lost. Technoogy and tradition are incompatible - you cannot have both to.

Undeniably, technologycal advencment had repidly eroded traditional culture we inherited from our ancester. Trditional games, nusical intruments, preformences and celebrations are given less ttention in this era of globalization.
To illustrate, traditional games such as kites and tops have given way to the new, modern and sophisticated vedio games. Chidren nowadays ar more interested in plyang vedio games tather than traditional games, whech thay deem old-fashined. Aprad from this, traditionl musical instrument such as banjos atre being teplaced by new innovationas suvas pianos and electric guitars.
In assition, the number of traditinal performanves organized such as the Chinese Opra has also been decimated over the past few decades. This is mainly due to creation of idiot boxes, which broadcasr avariety of TV shows, making traditional performances pale in comparison with all the comedies and soap operas broadeast.
Indeed, traditional culture is slowly being wiped out by the strong current of technology. However, both of them are not muthlly incompatible. In other words, both of ten can ezist together. Conrecte step can be taken in order to bring these forgotten traditional cultures back into our society. One way of doing thes is to educate oyur younger generaion on our traditional cultures. Traditional games can be introduced ad kind of spots in schools. Parents also play a mejor role in educating their children to appreciate traditional. sports in which have been passed down from genaretion to gemeration. Traditional petformancees and the use of traditional musical insturments can reveved through the promotiin by the media.
In conclusion, the strong current of technologycal advencment has indeed washed out some of our traditions; nevertheless, both of them are not mutually incompatible. We can preserve our taeasured, which tefleet our origins and roots but at the sane time manage to develop our country with full utiliztion of technology.

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