Thursday, November 26, 2009

What are some important qualtis of a good supervisor (Boss) Use specific details and examples to explan why there qualitic are important.

aI am person who sincerly belive in Elton Moyo's Human Resource approach to management. accroding to him the key assests to organization one are its employees. Hence i personally belive that boss shoul possess is to guarantee emplyee satfiction. An organization is as good as its employee have the suupervaisor shoud have the knaik of sesecting the best possible employees. He sould be able to indenlify talent when he sees it. He should creat a good working atmosphere for hes emplyees so that they can gice their bdest he sould also affer oppropriate remouneratin packages to eep his employees metivatad. He should follow on open door policy where the employees re exalogestion to come forwabd with their suggestion and grievances. Ther sould not be barrier of any sart between the employee and the boss. The employee who is part of an organizaition wich followar the above palicies will feel maticated to give has best which in turn will provenstrunnental of the success f the organizaiton. Heance his organization in Nepaln for there years rening. A best should also have the tactical a cunen t take the right dicesion ta the right time after all the seccess of the organization depend on the kind of decesions he takes. He shuld also heve the leadeship cap aviletles to command therespect of hes employees. He should lend by example. He should be prepased to accep his mistakes. thus i would conclude by saying that a boss shoukd be person who inspire has employees ta give their 100 percent and also should be able to take the right decesions at the right time.

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