Thursday, December 3, 2009

Businesses should hire employees for their entire live. Do you agree and disagree. USE speciffic reason and examples to support your choice.

I do not agree with the statemant that businesses should hire enployee for theit antire lives as this is not in the best interst of both the partier. At first my statenent might come as a shock to the readers as in today's competitice world no one in a stable frame of mind would say to a lofetime of guatenteed employment. However being employment with he same businesses throughout ones corce and for a very long tine in onew career can prave to be montous. If an enployee signa a contract tor his entire life with compan he is bound to proveide them with is serviers till he liee he reaches the retir nent age. At frist this migh seem a bright prospect howecer with the passaage of tine as monatiny sets in the employee would wan't a change of job. Even if he is to another section of the businesses the policies and working eondition wil renain more ar lirs the same. I know of a person who signed a lifetime contract when he joined at a very junior lecel and has now risen to the positein of a general manager through his hard work and deternination. He now is fed up of working with the nusinesses and finds hineself caght betiween the will to move on have to pay for breach of contact. Aanothe a quaintance of nine who has aways had a musical band of mind graduated forn on engincering company and join a multinationa firnm under a lifetime contract. He than go various oppattunitos for shoulds and an offer to join a leading band which pays very will. Bkut becous of a loifetime contract this person could ot oin the band and is stuck with a hjob he does not like. What I am trying kto saty is that people are not always much foaused when they begin working but find thier niche later they howecet cannot becouse they have entexot into lifetime contracts. Also people have to refuse more lecrative job offer becouse of lifetime contract. hiring employees for their entire lives also not very beneficiat for companie as enployees get in to the confart zone and beeom very reluctant about their work and responsebilities. This maens the required number of employees the efficienay ratio will be very tow. Also if employees arehired for life there wil be very few new position in the company which moans that ere will not be a continures fllow of new idea which can be obtainecosly. This is major for factor from which the grouth of on organization can becone stagnant. I know of a hotel which was entialy very will know for irs vaity and standerd of service however tine hosw seen a sharp decdine in its popularity becaouse all the employee that were hired for their intiniliues have now run out of idea. This shows that thougt the organization night gain the trust and loyalty of its employees it actulaay might lose its freshness overa period of time. Therefore it can be said that hiring emnployuees for their entire lives has nore negative than posiutive effects for both the businesses the employees.

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