Tuesday, November 17, 2009

U S E Of Bannad Pesticildes Poses Haelth Hazards

The gavrmant ban on chimical pesticides is being flouted with unfinching tegularity is being floute with unfinching retularity. World hight arganization (WHO) deelared peslicides like ithian, manocrotophese quinalphos and sophos injurious to human hith is 200u. Accroding th WHO, manocrotophos and dudaruos pose highor resk as comprel to puinalphos and ithain be that sa it may there has been a rampentnt use of there pestiables aerosr tea plantatin in the estern region to weed out insects yeasta and organisms from the tea bushes.
The volateon of the ban has come to light following a report, publeshed by the Departmant of food technalogy and quality countrol. The tea planters, howeuer mainlained that thy were foreced to use the pestieides to augnent he yuled. Nulethslanding the bam , the pastieleds ae wedly avaleable for sale in shops home. The use posticipesls has an adecere. impect on the export of orthoder tea to Europe, Whieh accounted for 75 percent of the produce, since 2055, tea allince, an umetta body agaenst in use of pesticedes in the hot bre seetor had launched a compaingn to formutate a code of conduet for manufaehoring argaice tea. Unforlunalely the dreue lost its stean this year said Dambar Katuwal of kanyan tea estate.

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