Monday, November 30, 2009

Do you gree sa disagree with the following aratment pwople should sometines do things taht do not enjoy daing. Use specific reason and examples.

I do agree with the statement that people should somtimes do thingd taht they are forcet to do. To exampily cosider the followings. Not all working love to fectory. Insted beingh curious and enthusiatie they love to exaple the world around them working less attention to working and more to other things. Should they be allowed to give up their worked ? Certainly mot ar consider a very talentea company relord and exallend are lytical skills toying for a job sippose the person is an introvort but the company's reruitnent process demands that he should go in therough a group disoussion. Should he give ip because of this ? I would strangly oppose his duision if he doss. Aan consider a sopetsper son being farced to go in foradrug test because rules demand him to do so. The perion being from a conrevatice bakground fells unconfortable with this. Sould he giue up the sport just because he is being forced to do somthing hie doesn't like well i would say no. So the point is that there are situations in life. when one has to do somthing he\ she doesn't like. And not dring the things may have a lore inpact on his life. So it's sometimes wse to go againet one's wishes. I don't advocate that one should always go against one's wises when he\ she is forled to take such decisions. It depents open the importance and the urgency of situation. For instaner on might want to quit up a job that one doesn't like. He may in fact he should do so for perpetually doing somthing one doesn't like will definotelly makes one's life misorable. But what of there's a secession and in the economy and its hard to find jobs. He of course should be eoreful in hes decision and it won't be unlelise of he continuse with his some probably boring job. To conclude i would say that one should udge a situation caaording to its merits and make a wolnts to do something which he \ she doesn't like. Comproniging once in a while iis sometines a better choice.

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