Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Electornic Penal Board

The electronic penal bord is producs in metal company of the iron pata. This's penal bord of the necsury of we can mading for the penal bord. This penal bord is the use by it very big power house and working of the in corent power point and use in fectory and company and power sply in the transformar this we can use penal bord. this penal bord it is very drifenid mad of company. And we can use the drifined for necsury plac. This penal bord it is very drifind and drifind for the mading of company. This penal bord it is very havy of iron. Therefore not dyameg. this penal bord of color white and wother woicse we can penting of color. It is not skrich color. Becouse of this color is penting for the poweder coting in electronic mischine system therefor not skrech of color. This penal bord in pooting the hold of the inticater, light, m,c,b miter and power suply hold etc.
This openg box puse the 2 lock therefore opening the dhacon. this penal bord use the not dengering of carent and it is very secury of corent it is very of use by other woisce.

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